1st Valatkoniu Stone, which is also referred to as the Angel's Stone, stands in Valatkoniu Forest, which is a part of Baisogala Forestry, in the territory of Radviliškis District Municipality. Stone was included in the Register of Cultural Values of Lithuania on 14 July 1998 and it was assigned a unique object code: 5544.
According to the legends told by the people in Radviliškis region collected and written down by the members of the Lithuanian Archaeological Society, a public road used to lead right past this Stone in the ancient times. Travellers often failed to notice this boulder at dark nights and hit it so they used to pray to God asking to strike this Stone away from the road or they used to swear at the giant standing in their way. The angels high above got tired of listening to prayers and ill-intended speaking of bewildered people, so one thundering night they lifted up this Stone, flew it deep into the forest and dropped it there so that it would not get in anyone's way. Since then people have been referring to the boulder as the Angel's Stone.