The Centre of Ethnic Culture and Crafts of Radviliškis district municipality is located in the building of the old manor in Pakiršinys. Here,craftsmen create and organise educational programs for children:”Marmuruok” (“Marble”), “Auksinis blynas” (“The Golden Pancake”), “Šok, trypk, meduolį nulipdyk” (“Dance, trample, make a honeycake”), “Keliaukime į liaudies muzikos šalį” (“Let’s travel to the land of folk misic”), “Lino raižiniai” (“Linen carvings”), “Medinė tulpė” (“A wooden tulip”), “Molis – žemės broils” ( Clay - the brother of land”), “Žvakių fabrikėlis” (“A candle factory”), “Vilniukas muilinukas” (“Woolen piece - soap piece”). The centre organises exhibitions and nurtures old traditional crafts.
